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Accommodations & Accessibility at Synod Assembly

At the 2023 Synod Assembly, we hope to facilitate an environment that is hospitable, welcoming, and accessible for our diverse community. The Assembly Planning Team is preparing a wide array of accommodations, and are open to feedback and insight as to how we can make the space welcoming for you. The assembly registration form allows registered participants and guests to name ways that we can prepare an accessible space for you, but if you have any questions or concerns ahead of time, please email

Language Accommodations

All Bishop Election materials and some Assembly materials will be translated from English to Spanish, available for download and access prior to the beginning of the assembly. Additionally, the Assembly registration form allows registered attendees to request Spanish Interpretation throughout the assembly. 

Please email with any questions or concerns.

Physical Accommodations

The Assembly Planning Team is preparing the space we gather to be as accessible as possible. Here are a few accommodations currently in place:

  1. The hotel and all meeting rooms are ADA accessible, with an elevator, escalator, and wheelchair ramp available.

  2. The front two rows in the main gathering ballroom will be reserved for those with visual and hearing needs, with closer viewing of the stage and screens.

  3. All aisle seats will be reserved for individuals with walkers or wheelchairs, or for those who need to have the flexibility to step out of the ballroom frequently. 

Please email with any questions or concerns.

Sensory-Free Accommodations

Throughout the assembly, a sensory-free room will be open 24 hours/day on the second floor of the hotel room. 

Please email with any questions or concerns.

Chapel Space

Throughout the assembly, a dedicated chapel space will be open 24 hours/day on the second floor of the hotel room. This space is open for all participants to have a quiet space to pray, breathe, or relax throughout the assembly. The chapel may include candles, soft music, pillows, and other guided spiritual practice opportunities.

Please email with any questions or concerns.

Health Accommodations

As the COVID-19 Pandemic continues to be present in different ways throughout our country, the assembly will follow the local county mandate when gathering. Masks are currently not mandated, per San Mateo County. Click here to see the most up-to-date county health mandates.

As part of the assembly registration form, participants will be asked to name any allergies or dietary restrictions. As registered participants will be served a dinner and lunch while at assembly, we intend to accommodate for all dietary restrictions, as our hotel catering staff is able.

Please email with any questions or concerns.

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