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Introducing Rev. Ron Valadez: New Interim Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and First Call

This week, the Sierra Pacific Synod welcomed another new staff member, Pastor Ron Valadez (he/him), as Interim Assistant to the Bishop for Candidacy and First Call! Pastor Ron has been a member of our Candidacy Committee since 2015. “I am looking forward to walking with our candidates and new deacons and pastors in this new way. I remember well what it’s like to be on that road, so whatever I can do to make their journeys a little smoother is one of my main goals, as well as making sure they are as equipped as possible for the realities of ministry,” shared Pastor Ron. Pastor Ron will be in this new role part-time while remaining in parish ministry part-time at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Auburn, CA.

Pastor Ron was born and raised in Northern California, but also lived in south-central Pennsylvania for 18 years, where he graduated from Lutheran Theological Seminary at Gettysburg (now United Lutheran Seminary). First and foremost though, he is the spouse of the amazing Sara, and proud parent of three wonderful daughters, and two fur babies, Pearl and Princess Chunk, their Great Pyrenees and English Bulldog.

He loves to write and has been published by Augsburg Fortress, Clergy Stuff, and Greater Birmingham Ministries, contributing to various devotionals, commentaries, and social justice publications. Additionally, he is currently working on a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion certificate through Cornell University’s distance learning division.

Please keep him in your prayers during this new adventure!

Lastly, he’s asked that you please join him in thanking Pastor Manda Truchinski for her dutiful care of Candidacy and First Call for the past two years. Thank you, Pastor Manda!

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