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Assembly Business

The following presents the Mission Support and designated gifts received between February 1, 2021, and January 31, 2022. Some congregations refer to Mission Support to Proportionate Share or Benevolence. These funds support the work of the Synod and the whole church. The Sierra Pacific Synod forwarded 38% of the Mission Support received during the year to Chicago to support the work of the whole church.


Designated Giving includes contributions that congregations send to the Synod for Ministry Partners, Sister Synods, or Churchwide for distribution to ELCA missionaries and programs such as World Hunger, Lutheran World Relief, Good Gifts, and Disaster Response. These contributions are fowarded to the designated recipients the month after they are reeived by the Synod. In additin to the designated gifts sent through the Synod, some congregations send their designated benevolences directly to ministry partners or Churchwide. Congregations also send contributions directly to agencies, institutions, and programs in their local communities.

Nominations & Elections for Synod Council Positions

During the Business Sessions at the 2022 Assembly, Elections for the following Synod Council Positions will occur:

  • 1 Clergy or Lay Person who is a person of color as a member-at-large

  • 1 Clergy or Lay Person whose primary language is other than English as a member-at-large

  • 1 Clergy or Lay Person as a member-at-large


Nominations for these positions must come from Conferences as voted on during their Conference Assembly, or directly from the Nominating Committee.

All Nominations for the 3 positions above must be sent to the Nominating Committee by April 1, 2022 at

Additionally, the 2022 Assembly will elect a Lay Person for the Office of Vice President. 

Nominations for Vice President come from the Nominating Committee or the Assembly floor. We invite Conferences and individuals to submit their Nominations to the Nominating Committee.


All Nominations for Vice President must be sent to the Nominating Committee by April 1, 2022 at

All approved Nominees passed to the Assembly will be available for review by Voting Members beginning May 1, 2022. Information on all nominees will be located on the Guidebook App.

A Synod Council member position description can be found here.

The Synod Council Covenant can be found here.

Election of Conference Deans

During the Conference Gatherings held on the afternoon of Thursday, June 2nd during the Assembly, new Conference Deans will be elected by the Voting Members of that Conference.

A job description of a Conference Dean can be found here.

Resolutions and Memorials are an important way for our Synod to continue to live out our commitment to being re-formed. We encourage individuals, congregations, and other groups to prayerfully discern writing and submitting a Resolution. 


All Resolutions and Memorials must be sent to the Resolutions Committee at 

by April 1, 2022 to be considered for review and brought forward at the 2022 Synod Assembly. 

As you prepare a Resolution or Memorial, here are a few important pieces of information:

An in-depth explanation of Memorials and Resolutions and how to draft one to be presented to the floor at the 2022 Synod Assembly.

Read directly from the Sierra Pacific Synod standing rules of order for the Synod Assembly regarding resolutions and memorials. A great way to read our standing rules explicitly. 

Before you submit your memorial or resolution, we ask you to spend some time reflecting on the potential resource impact your request might require.


​Memorials and resolutions are one way that this church addresses broad policy issues or important issues for God’s mission in the world.

Here are examples of past Resolutions for your reference:

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